Pack Holiday!

Filed on June 30, 2005 at 8:27 am under by Jamie

Last Friday, Sarah and me went to Egerton Hall for A Pack Holiday with Brownies! It was wicked cool, ( apart from the rubber cheese for Sunday Lunch ) and I had a great time!!! Here is a pic of me and Sarah on the bunk beds!

see ya!

2 Responses to “Pack Holiday!”

Comment by
July 3rd, 2005
at 10:35 am

cool pic

Comment by
_AdELL_nicE aNd k!nd..!u
January 10th, 2006
at 5:39 am

ang cute2x nyo ha!(tagalog)in english.. “both of u are look cutez as in!!! des s my add :… and my add are: friend_cute143 , duffy4589 , samir_gal45 …… oh dats 8 guyz****t+y
